That's why we call Christ Ahnsahnghong "God Almighty" ! - WMSCOG
Christ Ahnsahnghong came d own to Korea, humble land, at the ends of the earth in the east as prophesied in the bible, and Christ Ahnsahnghong is the only one who restored the Passover which had been established by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago and had been abolished AD325 by Councils of Nicaea under the power of Roman Emperor Constantine. Since the God's feast , new covenant was rebuilt by Christ Ahnsahnghong , our savior in this age (Psalms (NIV) 102:16~23, 87 : 5) , it has been spreading rapidly throughout the world and as a result,every year, the number of World Mission Society Church of God has been expending speedily in every country of the world. I dare to say,the only church in this world where the Passover is kept is " World Mission Society Church of God " Many of World Mission Society Church of God members from all over ...