Christ Ahnsahnghong ! who fulfilled all the prophecies in the bible - wmscog
World Mission Society Church of God ( WMSCOG ) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong the second coming of Christ and Jerusalem Mother, God the Mother. Our father and mother in heaven came to this earth as "The Holy Spirit and The Bride" for giving us Eternal life ,as prophesied in the bible soWorld Mission Society Church of God ( WMSCOG ) is preaching them in whole world.
Through the Bible, The only Second coming of Christ can restore the Gospel of the early church, "New Covenant " and lead us to Jerusalem Mother, who is the source of Eternal life.
Through the Bible, The only Second coming of Christ can restore the Gospel of the early church, "New Covenant " and lead us to Jerusalem Mother, who is the source of Eternal life.
This is showing the time of Second coming of Jesus, thru the prophecy of the "Fig tree in the bible (Mt 24:32)" then, is it true or not ? What does Christ Ahnsahnghong have to do with the parable of the fig tree in the bible ? why is he the 2nd coming Jesus because of this? The Bible is the book of prophecy and all the prophecies in the bible are connected to one thing, to testify about the Savior .(John 5;39)
* The Parable of the Fig tree ( Israel = fig tree) ->
Through Heb 9:28, Jesus prophesied that he would appear a "SECOND" time to bring" SALVATION", NOT JUDGEMENT!!!
So we must know when he will appear a second time, because of the matter of our salvation.
Jesus let us know the " TIME "of His "SECOND COMING" through the idependence of Israel represented by the "fig tree", as he prophesied as a parable in the bible.
On May 14,1948, the Israelites who had wandered aboutfor approximately 2,000years
without a country, proclaimed independence and in the same year,the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized in 1948 and started to preach the new covenant gospel, the "PASSOVER" * Second time= Salvation= Passover *
(Mt24:23, Jer:24:5 Lk 13:6, Lk 21:20~24; Rev 3:20)
* The work of the Second Coming Christ, which starts from the East ->
The Bible prophesies that the "PLACE" where Jesus will appear his second coming, is the country " AT THE ENDS OF THE EARTH IN THE EAST"where the sun rises.
Korea is the country at the ends of the earth in the east, which the prophets and apostle John saw through revelations. From ancient times,the place which has been made known as "The Land of the Morning Calm in the east is Korea, the land of prophecy that the Bible testifies about, where the new covenant gospel started again. Following the prophecy, Christ Ahnsahnghong was born in Korea on December 1, 1918 (of lunar calendar) (Rev 7:1~3, Ezc 43:2:, Isa 24:14~16, Isa 41:2, Isa 46:11)
* Ahnsahnghong, The New Name of Jesus ->
*The second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong who has allowed us eternal life through the New Covenant Passover ->
God divided the 6,000 years of his administration of redemption into three ages - the age of the father, the age of the son and the age of the Holy Spirit - and for each age gave salvation in a different name. In the age of the father, those who believed in the name of Jehovah received salvation; in the age of the Son,those who believed in Jesus,the new name of Jehovah, received salvation. In the last age, age of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus said, " I will write on him..."MY NEW NAME"...known only to him who receives it,"only the people who receive Christ Ahnsahnghon , the new name of Jesus, will be saved.(Mt 28:18~20, Rev 3:12, Rev. 2:17 )
2,000years ago Jesus established the truth of life, the new covenant Passover, to give eternal life to all humankind, and through that testimony, He shed his blood on the cross and became the sin offering.(Jn 6 :53~54,Mt 26:17~19, 26~28)
However, the new covenant established by Jesus, that is the truth of life, had changed one by one after the death of the apostles. Starting from 325 AD, the new covenant Passover disappeared from world history. After approximately 1,600 years have passed by, It has been restored by Christ
Ahnsahnghong . It is because only God can give us eternal life ( 1Ti 6:15~16)
The Bible testifies that the one who brings us the new covenant Passover, the truth of life, back again is our God. Christ Ahnsahnghong, who let us know about the new covenant Passover, is the Second Coming Christ who gives us eternal life. He is our God ( Heb 9:27~28, Isa 25:6~9)
*The Second Coming Jesus,who came on the clouds ->
The bible parables that clouds are flesh. The first Coming Jesus, who was prophesied to come on the clouds, came in the appearance of a man,hiding His light of glory in the flesh. (Dan 7:13~14,Mt28:18,Lk 22:29 ) In the same way the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong, who is prophesied to come on the clouds, has come again "IN THE FLESH" (LK 21:27~28, MT 24:30~31)
* Christ Ahnsahnghong who has come as King David ->
The history of King David, becoming king at the age of 30 and reigning over Israel for 40years, was a prophecy about Christ who will be baptized at the age of 30 and spread the gospel work for 40 years. However, Jesus was baptized at the age of 30, preached the new covenant gospel only for 3 years and passed away on the cross, so Jesus didn't fully fulfill the prophecy of King David's throne, that's why it needed his second coming. Christ Ahnsahnghong was baptized at the age of 30 in 1948, the year of independence of Israel, preached the new covenant gospel for 37 years and revealed that he is the spiritual King David, the Second Coming Christ prophesied in the Bible. (Hos 3:5, Isa 9:6~7, 2 Sa 5:4,Lk 3:21~23, Heb 9:28, Isa 55:3)
Through all these testimonies, we have no doubt that Christ Ahnsahonghong is the second coming of Christ who fulfilled all the prophecies.
Now, Heaven is getting closer, It is about time when we go back home, Heavenly kingdom. Please, Do not just lose your chance and visit the Church of God around your neighborhood. It's matter of your life and before too late.
2nd coming Christ Ahnsahnghong-nim has already come to save us according to all the prophecy of the bible.
ReplyDeleteChrist Ahnsahnghong nim is savior who came this earth according to all prophecies of the Bible !!