The Mystery Of Mysteries

World Mission Society Church Of God (WMSCOG) established by God the father, Christ Ahnsahnghong  is the place where you can meet God the mother, Heavenly mother the new Jerusalem  in the flesh and learn about the way of salvation written with prophecies.

The bible says that "Christ" is the great "Mystery" hidden for ages 

Col.1:26-27 [the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints.To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory ]

Col. 2:2-3 [My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ] 

Dating back to  2,000 years ago, In the days of Jesus, religious leaders were confident that they would be able to easily recognize God the Creator, when he came as the messiah. However, they failed to receive God the Creator of the world, Rather, they hated God who came to his own and rejected him,and even crucified him. What caused them to commit such a terrible sin ? Unless we know the reason, we will come to commit the same sin as they did when God comes again in these last days.

If God had appeared in his  majesty with his angels, they would have recognized him. Such a glorious appearance of God was deeply contemplated in the hearts of the Israelites. However, contrary to their expectation, Christ came to this earth, being made lower than the angels. so even his own brtoher did not believe in him and his relatives came to take charge of him, thinking he was out of his mind.

This implies that it was so difficult to believe in Jesus as Christ in those days, although it was already prophesied in the bible  that God would come to this earth, as a son and a child [Isa. 9:6]. Even religious leaders who have a good knowledge about scripture, didn't believe the prophecies about Messiah as written in the bible and treated Jesus as a mere man by their own fixed ideas.

Do Not Treat Prophecies With Contempt

What should we learn from the past ?

Considering this historical background, we can understand why the bible says that christ  is "the mystery that has been hidden for ages and generation." Then, why does the bible describe their rejection of Jesus?  For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us.

Rom.15:4 [For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. ]

We must let go of  our fixed ideas about God. Just as we believe, God is ominscient and omnipotent, he can appear in his majesty or in the form of a man, he can be born of a virgin or through physical parents. if we make up our own ideas about Christ, we will fail to receive him in these last days. 

"How can God become a man ? This is the common view of God held by the people who reject God today as well as those who did 2000 years ago.[ Jn 10:30-33]
The situation of Jesus' second coming in this age is exactly the same as that of his first coming. 

Jn 1:11 ["He [God] came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him."]

However, We, the members of  WMSCOG  cann't help but receive Elohim God (Gods)- Christ Ahnsahnghong  and Heavenly mother the new Jerusalem because we do believe the prophecies of the bible  fulfilled by them and this is the time for revealing the reality of the mystery that has remained unsolved for thousands of years!

That's the reason why we are proclaiming them  as the true Messiahs even though they look like ordinary people, and they have walked the pre-arranged path of the gospel as recorded in the bible. so plz try to see not what you want to see but what God wants you to see in the bible. That's the prophecy.

Therefore, We should pay more attention to each prophecy in the bible and its fulfillment completed by  Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly mother the new Jerusalem  than to slanderings and rumors made by people's own prejudices and fixed ideas. Plz, note that  the history in the past would be repeated as prophesied in the bible.

Ecc. 1:9 [What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. ]

For more info. Plz visit here.--->


  1. Bcoz of all the prophecies of the bible,we can't help but believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly mother!

  2. It is the belief that believe in the prophecy of the Bi

  3. We can know the secret of the bible through the sacrifice of the Lamb Jesus.
    The secret of the bible is Elohim God!

  4. Since the creation of the world the secret has been hidden to people
    ACTUALLY,I don't know if God already let us know this secret
    just, we never tried to know it
    That's why Elohim God the father,ahnsahnghong nim & Heavenly mother came and taught us abt the secret,Christ
    want to know more secret?
    come and visit this site ->

  5. We must believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong nim and God the Mother, who came to this earth according to all prophecies of the Bible.

  6. It is really the time when we ask ur own soul "What if Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavnly mother the new Jerusalem is the true saviors of this age ?!"

  7. right ! If we make again the same fatal mistake to deny the true savior like ppl in 2000 years ago, u know what comes after !

  8. We should not treat prophecies with contempt according to your own judgment or religious traditions.

  9. The Church's tradition and his own stubbornness in not discern the truth.
    Open your mind, you should study the Bible in the world mission society church of god.


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