Should we see Ahnsahnghong spiritually or physically?

Should we see Ahnsahnghong spiritually or physically?

To say conclusion first, we should see Ahnsahnghong spiritually. 
When we find out who the christ is in the last age, we should see the bible. God teach us that the bible is the book to figure out the our savior. (John 5;39)

When we see the history of Christ Jesus, many of Jews did not believe in him. Even though there is the prophecy which God would come to the earth with flesh like us(Isaiah9;6), they could not  greet the God with flesh. Because they did not real believe in the bible and they also saw the God physically. As the result of that, the Jew was destroyed.

Surely the bible teach us that these thing happened to them as example(1 Corinthians10;11). 

If we see ahnsahnghong physically, we could not greet him. It means that we could not get the salvation. 

Christ ahnsahnghong have come to the earth according to the prophecies in the bible as below,

1. God only could bring the passover which could give us forgiveness of sin.
2. Mechizedek
3. King David
4. Abraham

Christ ahnsahnghong is obviously our God. I really thanks for Christ ahnsahnghong and heavenly mother. 


  1. We believe in God or not, the truth of the bible is eternal. In this last age Christ have already come in the fresh fulfilled all prophecies in the bible.
    We must believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong spiritually.
    so that we can receive salvation of our soul in this last age.


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