Question!!! what do you follow with your valuable belief ?? Christ ahnsahnghong

What Do U follow? OR what do you think what you are with?
God let us know through the bible that obviously there are lots of false prophets.
U clearly know that if you are follow false prophets or false teaching, you surely would  not enter the heavenly kingdom. Now To distinguish true and false is unimaginably important. Because it is directly connected to our salvation. 
We are very unenlightened people. So we could not realize which is true or false. 
However Christ ahnsahnghong and heavenly mother teach and reveal the identity of false group. 


  1. Christ Ahnsahnghong restored all truth which had been abolished during the Dark Ages and led us to the kingdom of heaven through the Passover. He also revealed the identity of Satan through the Bible. The above YouTube videos unveil the identity of the anti-christ church that oppose God Almighty.

  2. The words of the Bible are so surprised.
    I don't know I should believe it or not which the roman catholic church is Satan
    Anyway the prophesy of the bible is so frightening

  3. Ahnsahnghong did not teach this fact, I could not find Babylon.

  4. Roman Catholic pretend to be holy and faithful to God, so all the world are deceived by their lies.
    But Christ Ahnsahnghong let us know the indentity of Roman Catholic.
    The identity of Antichrist is Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic is not a church which follow God, but a church which follow Satan.

  5. The Church which not follow God's will is the evildoer. God say "I never knew you. Away from me, you eviloers!"

  6. I was shocked after watching this UCC. I realized the identity of 666 through the prophecy of the Bible.


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