Always be count on the God

All problems and difficulties bring with it a greater benefit or opportunity.
Although people long for perfect weather, if there was perfect weather every day,
the land will turn into a desert.

Storms are what make people and communities stronger, not constant peace.

If the wall which we have to break is much stronger, this makes us praying.

Anyone who had the series of the story at home when they were childhood has heard and/or read about the famous story of David and Goliath. It is actually in the bible ( 1Samuel 17). It is not just story, but it has historical meaning.
From a physical point of view, it is almost impossible unless he has a victorious encounter like David did.
Of course, people sometimes relates it to real life scenarios and may have compared it to a little guy (employee) taking on the fierce and intimidating big guy (large company).
And we usually know what path that goes. Companies have wealth and power while the little guy has, well, some courage to stand up. The big guy usually always wins.
However, thru the story of David and Goliath, God let me realize so many things....
David loved God so much and God was always with him. Even though David was but a small young boy, he displayed and confidently boasted about GOD. He did not wear the armor nor took a sword into battle.

 All he took with him was 5 smooth stones, a sling and bravely fought in the name of the Lord.
Amazing! When we are on God's side, we always win no matter how big or intimidating we may feel the situation is.
So God the father say that
When we truly believe in Elohim God and boldly proclaim their truth, who can stop us? No one. God's mighty power, promise and love will always TRIUMPH!


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